We are just past a week with The Witchwood expansion and we are seeing Druid and Rogue on a rapid rise and our old friend the Murloc Paladin returning to the top tier.
Power Rankings
Here's a look at the class power ranking right now.
Paladin and Warlock are still on top, but we're continuing to see their overall win rates trending down. The rise of Murloc Paladin has made up for the drop in the Odd Paladin. Cube Warlock has slightly trended down, but the rise in popularity of Zoo Warlock has helped lessen the decline. Mage and Rogue were the big movers being closely associated with the rise of Druid. Priest dropped just a little, and Hunter is entering into Shaman territory.
What's Everyone Playing?
Here are the rankings according to the class popularity.
Druids is the big winner rising almost 5%. The success and large variety of Druid decks have clearly caught the attention of the player base. Rogue also had a huge jump of 2.5% with Quest Rogue being a great counter for the popular Druid and Warlock decks. Hunter was the big loser once again falling 3.9%.
Top 5 Class Decks
We see a couple new decks on the rise right now. Here are the Top 5 performing decks in various classes with at least 1000 games in Rank 10 to Legend in the last day:
### Even Paladin # Class: Paladin # Format: Standard # Year of the Raven # # 2x (2) Acidic Swamp Ooze # 2x (2) Loot Hoarder # 2x (2) Equality # 1x (2) Drygulch Jailor # 2x (2) Dire Wolf Alpha # 1x (2) Vicious Scalehide # 2x (2) Knife Juggler # 2x (4) Truesilver Champion # 1x (4) The Glass Knight # 2x (4) Lightfused Stegodon # 2x (4) Blessing of Kings # 2x (4) Call to Arms # 2x (4) Consecration # 2x (4) Spellbreaker # 1x (6) Sunkeeper Tarim # 2x (6) Avenging Wrath # 1x (6) Genn Greymane # 1x (8) The Lich King # AAECAZ8FBrnBAsLOArfnAvbsAs30Auv3Agz7AdwD8gX0Bc8GigevB9kHsQiWCdnHAvjSAgA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone # Find the deck on https://hsreplay.net/decks/BwhEGoP6PiQAKD785sfYUg/
### Spiteful Druid # Class: Druid # Format: Standard # Year of the Raven # # 2x (1) Glacial Shard # 2x (1) Fire Fly # 1x (2) Prince Keleseth # 2x (3) Druid of the Scythe # 1x (3) Tar Creeper # 2x (3) Greedy Sprite # 2x (3) Crypt Lord # 2x (3) Mind Control Tech # 2x (4) Saronite Chain Gang # 2x (4) Spellbreaker # 2x (5) Fungalmancer # 2x (5) Cobalt Scalebane # 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins # 2x (6) Spiteful Summoner # 1x (7) Malfurion the Pestilent # 1x (8) Grand Archivist # 1x (8) The Lich King # 2x (10) Ultimate Infestation # AAECAZICBq8EysMCws4CmdMCnOIC0OcCDN4F8gWXwQLrwgKbywLKywKHzgKR0ALR4QL55gLX6wKL7gIA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone # Find the deck on https://hsreplay.net/decks/XJR5hSzTNJC8187VGCb57f/
### Murloc Paladin # Class: Paladin # Format: Standard # Year of the Raven # # 2x (1) Murloc Tidecaller # 2x (1) Righteous Protector # 2x (1) Lost in the Jungle # 2x (2) Hydrologist # 2x (2) Knife Juggler # 2x (2) Rockpool Hunter # 2x (3) Unidentified Maul # 1x (3) Coldlight Seer # 2x (3) Murloc Warleader # 2x (3) Nightmare Amalgam # 2x (3) Divine Favor # 2x (4) Gentle Megasaur # 1x (4) Spellbreaker # 2x (4) Call to Arms # 1x (4) Blessing of Kings # 1x (5) Fungalmancer # 1x (6) Sunkeeper Tarim # 1x (7) Vinecleaver # AAECAZ8FBsUD8gWvB7nBAoPHAtHhAgzbA6cFpwixCLPBAp3CArHCArjHAuPLAvjSAtblAt6CAwA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone # Find the deck on https://hsreplay.net/decks/6yCX2ansUMfhChJdKgdUEh/
### Odd Warrior # Class: Warrior # Format: Standard # Year of the Raven # # 2x (1) Whirlwind # 2x (1) Shield Slam # 2x (1) Town Crier # 2x (3) Shield Block # 2x (3) Reckless Flurry # 2x (3) Rabid Worgen # 1x (3) Gluttonous Ooze # 1x (3) Mind Control Tech # 2x (3) Ironbeak Owl # 2x (3) Stonehill Defender # 1x (5) Direhorn Hatchling # 2x (5) Brawl # 1x (5) Big Game Hunter # 1x (5) Faceless Manipulator # 1x (5) Elise the Trailblazer # 1x (5) Darius Crowley # 1x (5) Harrison Jones # 1x (7) Baron Geddon # 1x (7) Gorehowl # 1x (9) King Mosh # 1x (9) Baku the Mooneater # AAECAQcM0AKTBN4FqgaQB/kM0cMC08UCoscCz8cCze8CnvgCCUuiAqIE/AT/B5vCAsrnArrsAp3wAgA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone # Find the deck on https://hsreplay.net/decks/G4yTcgTKSPn92h0H3WAm9g/
### Quest Rogue # Class: Rogue # Format: Standard # Year of the Raven # # 2x (0) Preparation # 2x (0) Shadowstep # 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand # 2x (1) Wax Elemental # 2x (1) Glacial Shard # 2x (1) Stonetusk Boar # 1x (1) The Caverns Below # 2x (2) Novice Engineer # 2x (2) Youthful Brewmaster # 2x (2) Vicious Scalehide # 2x (3) Fan of Knives # 2x (3) Mimic Pod # 1x (3) Sonya Shadowdancer # 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon # 2x (4) Elven Minstrel # 2x (6) Vanish # 1x (9) Valeera the Hollow # AAECAaIHBIbCAoDTAs/hAsPqAg3EAZwC7QKfA4gFmwXUBYYJl8EC/MECx9MC2+MC9uwCAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone # Find the deck on https://hsreplay.net/decks/GbrngWzPu5qCriyTrKMx3b/
Even Paladin (62.5%): This version of the Even Paladin has some big differences than the previous popular version with the giants. This rendition has double Acidic Swamp Ooze to help with gaining an advantage over Cube Warlock and the mirror matchup. The new The Glass Knight combos well with Truesilver Champion in this deck. A very old favorite, Avenging Wrath, returns and duels as removal in the mirror or face damage to finish out games.
Spiteful Druid (59.3%):
This deck remains extremely powerful. Crypt Lord has been a foundational minion protecting against early minions and allowing tempo plays behind it. Mind Control Tech gives it adequate protection against the powerful paladin decks and is being played in many decks right now period.
Murloc Paladin (58.8%): Our old friend the Murloc Paladin has made a huge return in the last couple days. The stickiness of the murloc minions have allowed this deck to exceed the Odd Paladin and like it's predecessors is showing that it can fight for board and then snowball better than any deck in the early game.
Odd Warrior (57.7%): It's great but rare to see a Warrior deck at the top these days. This Odd deck is built to fight off the aggressive Paladin decks with various taunts and removal. Though this deck struggles against a number of the top decks in this list, it does extremely well against the collection of all the other lower tier decks resulting in a good win rate.
Quest Rogue (57.3%): This deck continues to impress with incredible advantages over Druid, Warlock, and any control deck right now. Sonya Shadowdancer has created a variety of ways to finish the quest and destroying boards by playing cards like Stonetusk Boar and Southsea Deckhand over and over again.
Check out the full list of top decks HERE.
We're starting to see specific archetypes and their counters emerging. Here are the archetype matchup win rates across the board.
Here's a look at how popular some of the top archetypes are.
For a full view of all the archetypes, click HERE.
We've seen some new dominant decks in the last day and shows the meta is still moving quickly.
Try some of these decks out and let us know on Twitter how you do with them!