We're thrilled to extend our data offerings to Mercenaries, Hearthstone's latest game mode. Players can now look up and learn from global stats and data collected by our faithful HDT and HSTracker users to see which Mercenaries are performing the best and which party compositions are leaving the competition behind. We also have a full online portal to track your collection so you can prioritize the right bounties. Let's take a look at some of these features:
My Collection

All HSReplay.net users have access to a robust inventory showing your progress with each individual Mercenary. Collectibles such as Equipment and Portraits as well as their Abilities' progress are all here.

You'll also get an overview on your collection showing how close you're getting to a maxed out collection and the Parties that you can build with what you have.
We're proud to offer this My Collection feature FREE to all users so that you can track and work on your team of Mercenaries.
For paid subscribers, we have 2 additional powerful pages that will allow you to see what's working across the board for Mercenaries players: Tier List and Parties.
Tier List

Tier List shows you how individual Mercenaries are performing with all the filters you've come to know and expect from Premium and Tier7 like MMR Range, Time Frame, Winrate, Popularity, and the option to limit to only Mercenaries that you own. We're also introducing "Versatility" which allows you to see how many positive Winrate Parties are composed with that Mercenary.
This page should be helpful for figuring out which Mercenaries you own that you should focus on maxing out as well as which new Mercenaries should be in your sights to acquire next.

Parties takes many of the features available on the Tier List page and extends them to full compositions of Parties that people are bringing to Mercenaries PvP. Similar to constructing a Standard deck on HSReplay.net, the Mercenaries Parties page will allow you to find the strategies and compositions that will work best in Mercenaries. You can use filters to limit this to your collection, only see compositions with a minimum amount of games played, within certain MMR ranges, and more.
We're thrilled to offer HSReplay.net Mercenaries features at no extra charge to all Bundle subscribers! If you're already a subscriber, you can go now to check everything out. We also have HSReplay.net Mercenaries as its own subscription for $2.99USD/month or $14.95USD for 6 months at a time.
Stay tuned as we continue to update and improve these sections to best support Mercenaries players. Subscribe to the Bundle subscription to get all Mercenaries features as well as access to Premium (Standard Hearthstone) and Tier7 (Battlegrounds) data.