Two Weeks of Kobolds (And some Catacombs) Kobolds & Catacombs has been out for two weeks now! And what an expansion. The day of the release, you uploaded over six million games using Hearthstone Deck Tracker [https:
Quests, Death Knights and Legendary Weapons: Showdown Its been a year of Mammoth proportions, with no less than 54 class legendaries being released! Half of these have been built up as the marquee content of each update,
Card Analysis The Keleseth Effect Prince Keleseth [] is one of those cards that has been at the forefront of community discussion from reveal to the settled meta we are
Product Update Twitch Extension for Hearthstone Deck Tracker You may have heard that Twitch recently opened up their Extensions program [] for third-party developers. Extensions can be used to make streams more interactive
Big Priest By The Numbers Priest is a class that has reinvented itself over the last couple of expansions. Since the community backlash which came with the release of Purify [
Product Update PayPal Support is Finally Here Since the launch of Statistics [], by far the most frequent support request we had was: "Will you support PayPal?". Today, we're finally ready to announce that it's here.
Card Analysis Deep Dive into Spreading Plague A little over a week ago the community reached out [] and asked
Tracking Diversity in the Hearthstone Meta There's something special about those first few days of a new expansion. With new sets come new possibilities, everyone is trying new stuff and your opponents deck could
Death Knight Hero Performance Overview Death Knight Hero cards are a new type of card that was introduced with the release of the Knights of the Frozen Throne. Each of the nine Heroes received a new Hero card that, once played, transforms the current Hero into a Death Knight,
Card Analysis Deep Dive Into Skulking Geist [] One of the most interesting parts of the Knights Of The Frozen Throne card set is the number of new tech cards like Nerubian
How Long are Frozen Throne Games? There's been a lot of chatter about the meta slowing down. Is there something to it or is it all in the players' heads? Today we'll take a look at the duration of games in Icecrown and compare them
The Best Death Knight Decks for every Class []One of the most interesting additions to Hearthstone in the Knights of the Frozen Throne are the new hero cards. Whenever you play one, it replaces your hero and hero power - but with a corrupted version of
Two Days into the Frozen Throne Meta It's been almost 48 hours since the release of Knights of the Frozen Throne and Hearthstone players worldwide have been hard at work solving the meta and trying to figure out which deck will be able to break the ice. After more
Card Analysis The Caverns Below: Impact of the nerf The Caverns Below [] has been the most controversial quest from the Journey to Un’Goro expansion. On July 10, Blizzard responded to the demands
Just for Fun: Top Includes at Rank Floors In Patch 7.1 (February 2017) Blizzard introduced the ranked floors feature [], which prevent players from de-leveling once they reach ranks
Card Analysis Deep Dive into Curious Glimerroot Curious Glimmerroot is one of the most unique cards in the Journey to Un'Goro expansion. With it comes a completely new mechanic; a mini-game of sorts, that has
Product Update Wrapping up April 2017 This last month was a big one for HearthSim: We launched Statistics [] and have been hard at work every day since. We're incredibly grateful for all your feedback and all our Premium
Pace of the Meta: Un'Goro vs. Gadgetzan The year of the Kraken will undoubtedly be remembered as a year dominated by aggressive strategies. Cards like Tunnel Trogg [], Flamewreathed Faceless [], Flame Imp [] and Small-Time
Quest Completion Statistics: An Overview Quests are a new type of card that was introduced with the release of the Journey to Un’Goro. Once they are in play, a certain number of cards that
Deck Guide RayC's Quest Warrior Guide With the release of Un'Goro Hearthstone’s stale metagame has been alleviated of its stagnancy. The initial release week of Un'Goro has been the most fun
Class Performance in the Un'Goro Meta It's been 48 hours since the release of Journey to Un'Goro and Hearthstone players worldwide have been hard at work solving the meta and trying to figure out which deck will be the new king of the dinosaur ladder. Intrepid
Product Update Introducing Statistics You might have noticed some new sections on the site! Over the past few days, we have been rolling out the new Statistics section of the site. For the past six months, we have been super hard at work on processing and
Card Analysis Deep Dive into Kazakus [] Since the release of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan last December, Kazakus [] has without a doubt been one of
Shaking Up the Meta: Patch 7.1 in Numbers In early February, Blizzard announced changes [] to two cards that were considered by the community to
Arena Mulligan Luck in the Arena "Good" and "Bad" types of randomness are a hot topic in the Hearthstone community, with cards like Flame Juggler and Yogg-Saron typically being the focus of